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Rating: 10.0/10 (5 votes cast)
BAILEY'S CAKE, 10.0 out of 10 based on 5 ratings


  1. getting better all the time. nice detail.

  2. Paulo Medeiros |

    This cake looks so cool, def alot of time and effort put into this one. Lets all pop the top off and take a good goin spin

  3. I was ONE of the 3 Birthday Celebrants this cake was for – Looked AWESOME and tasted AWESOME. We all appreciated the Time and Hard work you put into it.
    Great Job Jamie!!

  4. Wow another masterpiece!! Well done Mr. Cakester!

  5. Yep I was one of the others this cake was made for..Not only did it look GREAT>>>IT TASTED AWESOME>>>>Jamie is the BEST(Pat your not bad either)…Thanks alot guys…..Cindy thanks for thinkin of us!!!

  6. the baileys cake was the best
    thanks Jamie u did an excellent job
    everyone enjoyed it

  7. Are you using an airbrush Jaime? I noticed some sweet detail on your flowers too on another cake. Just looking at the trees here is sick!

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